News And Events


Sports help in building skills like teamwork, leadership, patience, discipline, learning from failure, sportsmanship etc., Sports day is an important day which helps every student to indulge in physical activities and sports. It helps the students to take a break from their academic routine and enjoy playing sports. We at SAFL train all the students in different games right from primary section.

We have specialized trained teachers for Karate, Skating, Basketball, Throwball, Yoga, Aerobics and many more.


At SAFL we recognize the hidden potential/talents of our children and helps them to explore in an efficient manner. The school's annual day is the culmination of its academic year. It gives the students an opportunity to showcase their unique talents and achievements. The School's Annual Report is also read.

It is an opportunity for experiencing teamwork amongst peers. The school ensures that there is hundred percent participation from the students as each child is special and important for us and we believe that every child must be given opportunity to develop talents, showcase their talents and harness their skills and attributes through such public performances.

All in all the entire objective of having an annual day in the school is to create a harmonious connection of parents with the school and their children and letting them appreciate and enjoy their child's talent.


An excursion is usually a brief pleasure trip. At SAFL children are encouraged to adopt the practice of excursion because of its tendency to add reality to learning experiences which consequently enriches the courses of study and motivate both teachers and learners.


Science Exhibition at SAFL is usually a theme based. It is a wonderful tool that engages students in learning new facts. It develops in them the curiosity to learn more. Such Exhibitions provides a platform for the students to use their scientific knowledge and bring the best inventions out of the box. It also allows students to work in teams and share ideas collectively to bring something innovations into implementation. Students apply their classroom knowledge in these exhibitions and develop the taste for learning. It shifts them from theoretical study to practical implementation and they avail the opportunity to apply their ideas in unique ways. Once transformed their idea into project, they showcase it in from of thers and ge acknowledged which further boosts their confidence. Therefore, exhibitions at SAFL play a vital role to build more confidence of our students.